
McDarkart, also known as Lakisha McQuany, is a neo-surrealist artist and illustrator. Her interest for the arts, particularly painting and drawing, began at a young age, coming from a family with a lot of creative energy. There was a great foundation to work from, having been raised on classics, movies, literature, and art.

 She has experimented with a variety of painting and drawing mediums, including oil, acrylic, oil pastels, charcoal, and more, during the last few years. While she is hesitant to identify a personal style, she is more interested in learning new techniques and transforming the art into what it has always been. Using subconscious, philosophical theories, there’s a conjuring of metaphors and symbols weaved throughout the work that includes elements from the goth and fetish subcultures, her worldwide roots, and a strange flare of retro kitsch, historic antiques, all of which together relay questions about faith and the unknown, the world around us and how we treat it and each other.

 Lakisha has recently been working on translating her art onto every surface she can get paint to stick to, including butcher cleavers, handsaws, ammo boxes, mirrors, flags, and, of course, skateboards! She intends to paint a surfboard one day and then go on to mural painting.

Lakisha’s style is defined by a joyous link with folklore and the occult, with a mysterious air even in the most simple pieces, following the techniques of old (Dutch) masters as well as the current surreal trend. History, subcultures, and staring into the blank have all influenced her work.

She is currently based in Ipswich, where she is pursuing a career as a contemporary artist, using her new skills in the creation of equally beautiful and intriguing artwork.

What People Say

The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.

Walt Disney

It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.

J. K. Rowling

Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.

Dr. Seuss

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