HD 96146 26.05.2024


Hello campers and comrades just another weekly update from your least favourite painter!

19.05.2024 / tough day, I had so much to do other than painting but u got some time to sit down and finish off the backgrounds of my Cult trio.. Just need to plough in and get the first one blocked in that’s Love to start with. Not sure how to approach it I guess I keep working from back to front so hair and the background to the steps next… 🤔

In other news I’ve made a version of my succubus painting to be made into stickers mega excited about these!

20.05.2024 / killer day at work but I worked on my zine in my lunch break, January 2024 is coming along and may and June 2023 is nearly ready to be published.
I’ve been thinking about making a separate zine for the Cult Exhibition pieces mostly because I want to obsess over the source materials and the bitching soundtrack that inspired the pieces, including the back catalogue of Coven and the Gadda Da Vidda.

21.05.2024 / So I was supposed to have some time off work today to paint but I’ve been called in 😦 I will get to grips with the next painting ASAP I have a day off on the 23rd so I’ll catch up then!! a whole day of painting sounds fucking amazing right! I suppose I can try and work out my approach for another night 😦 I’ve got to work out a couple of orders for the Market stall, I want to buy a button making machine and some totes and make up bags to paint I reckon they will be good sellers? I have no idea what I’m talking about though I’m such a novice.

22.05.2024 / Today was weird , i has to do an extra day in the office so I could do some training but apon arriving I found out that the training had been cancelled, then on returning home in my lunch break to finish off in the afternoon, my bus broke down but I wasn’t delayed too long.. still a little run of bad luck, so I put the lottery on! On the art-side of life I’ve been able to release the pictures of my World Goth Day Portraits! all 3 of them are live on IG now.

23.05.2024 / A day off from the office but after catching up on life I didn’t manage to get as much painting done as I hoped but at least I got to rest and paint, what more can a girl ask for? I’ve ordered some black tote bags and make-up cases to paint for the market stall.

24.05.2024 / I manages my first 6am painting session in a long time, it seems the threat of having to babysit overnight did something to my metabolism and brain and I got up and just got into the swing of things, even recorded it, I felt like a grown up artist.
I received my totes and make up bags to paint for the market stall, but now I need to come up with some more solid ideas other than the sketchy ones I have in my sketchbooks.

I wanted to have something on the bags that kinda works as a logo and I might have a way of doing that with a lino cut I like to take some time out from painting and make a few each year, so this is my chance to do something I can print on the back of bags.

25.05.2024 / I just babysat today and it was a good day sadly I couldn’t convince my niece to colour in with me!

The new Zine is up and running you can purchase a copy here on Gumroad if you sign up to my Patreon or Kofi you can get it half price.

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