HD 90132 – 19.05.2024


Welcome to this weeks updates you can a condensed version mailed to you with an extra B-roll by singing up to my Pencilbooth

11.05.2024 / Omg today was such a slow starter but I have finally received my panels for the paintings I aim to create for the CULT exhibition! I really need to get some promotion for this done but I’m going to need something to promote and I’m only now going to get painting!! Meep! I think my deadline is early July so plenty of time right?? right?? today I need to focus on getting the boards prepped, especially after the nightmare I’m having with the World Goth Portraits, I need to up my game and not be so damned lazy.

First I need to paint the edges in gold because I’m part time gangster

I want to start a new series of sketching videos for tiktok, I think it might work but it’s going to need more video editing than I have capabilities for. I suppose I can try my own homemade attempt and see how things go.

12.05.2024 / I tried out my Sketch with me idea today and it kinda worked, I only did a 30m sketch but with editing etc it took an hour but it’s a whole piece of original artwork AND content AND it got nearly 200 views on tikity tok, not sure about YouTube!? I seem to have 10 views! whoop! I think I’ll need about 20 before it really gets recognised, but I just pulled that number out my ass but it’s a good number to aim for, but I don’t really have all that much time to make these up, but I’ll make time!
I’ve gone through the digital creations of Love Ecstasy and Death and I’m pretty happy with the final mock ups i should be able to start work on these soon.

13.05.2024 / I’ve spend a ton of time today promoting my zine, hopefully it will get a couple of reads!? Maybe it’s not worth the asking price? I have so many questions. Art wise I’ve not done much drawing or painting today but i have transferred the mock ups onto the boards, I don’t think I’ll need to fix them in with another layer of clear gesso BUT I have all day tomorrow to do that. then, cos I’m a control freak I’ll need to work out the method and layers. I’ve already been playing around with colour mixes for the background. I wouldn’t want to leave that to chance! lol

14.05.2024 / oh what a day! I really wanted to add some details to the World Goth Day portraits but my paints had dried and I took that as a sign that I need to drop tools so I varnished the paintings instead. I want to do another sketch video already but I might have to save those for the weekend.

15.05.2024/ I spent most of the day trying to add a silicone frame to my World Goth Day Paintings, but alas my usual technique was not working using the tools I had BUT I have about 6 days to work out plan B! They paintings are looking gothy though, I hope they find forever homes.

16.05.2024 / Finally started one of 3 pieces for the CULT exhibition it’s still early days and I have high hopes for these pieces but right now only one of them is in the ugly stage and that doesn’t fill me with confidence yet but I am hopeful. So seconds in I felt out of my depth and I’ve realised I’ve totally forgotten to add in a very crucial signature of mine to these pieces. I don’t wanna go into any detail until I’ve managed to think the problem thorough but can you guess what obvious item I’ve missed?

17.05.2024 / If you’re still reading on I guess it’s time to reveal what I missed. There are no constellations in my paintings!! dunno what I was thinking but I have plenty of time to get some in there! I’m interesting in masking the stars but there’s a lot of sky in these paintings, the sky is brown by the way but it’s sky nonetheless

18.05.2024 / The weekend is in full swing and I’ve kept my colours wet despite the heat, and I’m ready to get started on the third part of this trio of paintings, I really don’t know if it’s worth posting more progress pictures on Instagram I’ve had a look at my profile and I do post a lot of just finished pieces I guess I could share more!?

So these three paintings I’m making for the cult exhibition are loosely titled Love Ecstasy and Death with a heavy acid theme.. I will post some of my sketches so you can see just how scratchy a beginning my work has.

My song of the day is..

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